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Evolution of Data

Generally speaking data evolves as described in this diagram. In the beginning a couple of users may determine there is a need to track data that cannot be managed in a system-wide database. So, they'll build a spreadsheet application. Most of the time spreadsheet applications are used for years with no trouble. However, sometimes the data in a spreadsheet application evolves to the point where it is unmanageable.

  1. Users are trying to maintain the same type of data across multiple spreadsheets, resulting in mistakes.
  2. Or the number of users has grown to the point, where the data cannot be adequately managed with a spreadsheet.

At this point, it becomes necessary to move to the next level of data management. The second level of data evolution is the local database level. At this level, data from various spreadsheets are often combined and streamlined into one core local database. This level is still managing data that doesn't quite "fit" into a system wide proprietary database.

It is this second tier of data evolution that is most often under-utilized. Most offices employ people who are comfortable in Excel. They can build and manage extensive Excel applications. In addition, most businesses spend a lot of money on system wide database applications at the 3rd level of data evolution. But, the second level of data evolution is often left without a "guiding hand". The information being tracked doesn't quite "fit" into the system wide database, nor can it be easily tracked with an Excel spreadsheet application. If the second tier of data is not being properly managed, users find themselves dealing with an uncontrollable situation.

At least for a specific subset of people, the information being tracked is vital to job function. But, as far as most users know, there is no efficient way to track it. It doesn't fit into the system database, and it's morphed beyond the capabilities of Excel. This is where Microsoft Access can solve a lot of problems.

Microsoft designed Access as local database tool. MS Access is capable of handling data relationships in a way that Excel spreadsheets aren't. In addition, in comparison to other database products, MS Access can be learned by lay people. If someone is familiar with Excel, they are most likely able to learn the basics of Access. If professional development is needed, it is usually still more cost-effective than custom software development with other database tools. You can find more information about the benefits of using Microsoft Access for local database needs here.
